2021-22 Happiness Index Findings

2021-22 香港快樂指數調查】 結果發佈

Over the past year (Since October 2021 – December 2022), Votee has been asking people on how happy are they amongst 7 regions in Asia.

Votee市場調查公司在過去一年(指由2021年10月截止2022年12月)每個月收集了位於亞太7個地區(香港、新加玻、泰國、印尼、馬來西亞、台灣、及菲律賓) 對於自己快樂指數的看法。

Here are the results. 結果如下

Happiness Index cover image - Votee

Happiness in Asia:The darker the color the happier



Happiness Index overall - Votee
Happiness Index over time - Votee
Average Happiness Index - Votee

Overall speaking, the APAC region’s happiness index has been gradually declining. Since the 7.47 points from October last year to a 6.6 in September this year. There was a slight rise in March and November this year to a 7.31 and 6.94 respectively. Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia have always been leading among the 7 regions, and Hong Kong has been at the bottom of the list.


Happiness Index demographics - Votee
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Research shows, the higher the GDP per capita, the lower the happiness index. Indonesia ranked third in the overall happiness index with 7.43 points, and it’s per capita GDP is $4,291, ranked at the bottom three. While Singapore’s overall happiness index is 6.28 points, it’s per capita GDP is as high as $72,794, ranking first among all regions.

調查指,人均國民生產總值(GDP per capita)越高的地區,快樂指數越低。排名第三的印尼整體快樂指數高達7.43分,而其人均國民生產總值為$4,291元,為所有地區排列接近尾三。新加玻整體快樂指數6.28分,而其人均國民生產總值高達$72,794元,為亞太地區第一。

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The Happiness Index in Hong Kong has been fluctuating over the year. From last November to this April, it has been in the doldrums, bouncing between 5.38 points. This May, social distancing measures began to relax, hence the index started to rose as well and it was peaked at this November to 6.12 points, with the buildup excitement of festivals and social distancing measures being fully released.



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Votee uses Random Cut Forest (RCF) to forecast happiness index data trend. RCF is a machine learning algorithm that makes use of past data to make prediction and provide anomaly detection. According to past happiness data we have, we predict that Hong Kong’s Happiness Index will fall back to 5.5 points in coming April and then rise to around 6 points in May and onwards.

Votee利用隨機切割森林 (Random Cut Forest) 演算法去預測今年香港的快樂指數,隨機切割森林 (RCF) 是一種特殊類型的隨機森林 (RF) 演算法,利用機器學習過去的數據進行預測並提供異常檢測。根據我們過往的數據分析,我們展望香港的快樂指數會一直回落至4月的5.5分然後在5月再次回升到6分左右。

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